iti sthirārātivirodhaniścayām udīrya vācaṃ virate gaṇādhipe |
smitacchaṭābṛṃhitaharadīdhitis tato 'ṭṭahāso vyavaladvivakṣayā || 1 ||
Kāvyamālā from OCR-Here only canto 3
Title | Haravijaya |
Commentary | Viṣamapadoddyota |
Author | Ratnākara |
Commentator | Alaka |
Physical description | |
Language/Script | [Sanskrit in Latin script.] |
Format | e-text |
Material | digital |
History | |
Date of production | unclear |
Place of origin | |
Provenance | [record of ownership] |
Acquisition | [how it was acquired] |
⸤dvādaśaḥ sargaḥ |